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Exams Department

In collaboration with other H.O. Ds and the Dean of studies, scheduling of all exams both for the 844 & IGCSE school are carried out.

Tests and examinations are well moderated to reflect the examination body guidelines for both national KCSE examinations and for the IGCSE examining body Cambridge Assessment International Education standards.

There is a tuition committee in place that comprises of H.O. Ds, for addressing academic matters and reviewing academic policies as time demands.

We make available past examination papers to both students and teachers and ensure credible examination results by curbing all cheating during sitting for all examinations.

So far, the achievements are;

  • Introduction of a workable evaluation program.
  • Securing stable and reliable sources of external examinations.
  • Eradication of exam irregularities. (cheating)
  • Preparation of well-balanced and workable examination timetables.
  • Ensuring timely setting and marking of examinations.
  • Introduction of ‘pool’ marking in examinations.
  • School posting relatively great K.C.S.E & IGCSE results.

The main target of the exam department is to post a mean grade of a ‘B+’ at the K.C.S.E Level and to improve in general performance in all other classes.

New examination policies are in place geared to producing the best results possible.

We have three [3] major examinations in a term:

  • Opener examination or assessment.
  • Mid – Term per semester
  • End Term/ End of Semester examinations.