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At St. Lucie Kiriri Girls, we have found that students benefit greatly both academically and emotionally from volunteering their time to make the community and world a better place.

While completing community service projects, students develop real-world skills that will help them succeed in life after they leave school, which will be engraved within them that helping the community is of great gain.

Community volunteering is an essential part of life at St. Lucie as it prepares students to “take responsibility as open-minded, principled citizens in a global community.” They get to interact with people who have vastly different backgrounds and learn patience and empathy as they develop a global perspective.

Key community service projects include:

The school has developed a special bond by offering community support to various organizations around our nearby community such as Nyumba ya wazee, Ruaraka as well as various children’s homes.

These activities undertaken by students themselves are undertaken through donating material goods and services to support the underprivileged. Participation is never limited to cash donations & items, cleaning services, Charity walks, tree planting, and prayers are but to name a few.

Activities are organized and coordinated by the school Chaplain, staff, and students.

In addition to community services undertaken, the school has strong bonds with the local government, where we work closely with the local police, local government, and community leaders to ensure we have a positive impact in our local area and even beyond.